Jumat, 29 April 2016

Javanese culture angkringan

Angkringan (derived from the Javanese 'angkring' which means the tool and the sale of food roving (pikulannya) curved upward) is a gerobag thrust that sells various foods and beverages commonly found on each edge of the road in Central Java and Yogyakarta , Solo is known as stall hic ( "exquisite dishes a la village") or (Wedangan) gerobag regular angkringan covered with plastic tarps and can carry about 8 people buyer. Operations starting late in the evening, he relied on the traditional lighting is senthir (ind.lentera, very simple lighting without glass semprong compared with outboard or kerosene lamps consisting of a short-sized bottle typically complete with wick and kerosene or oil kelentik as fuel), and also aided by the light of street lamps.
Food sold include cat rice, fried intestine satay (chicken), satay quail egg, chips and others. Beverages sold various sorts such as tea, juice, coffee, tape, ginger and milk. All are sold at a very affordable price.
Although the price is cheap, but consumers shop was very varied. Starting from pedicab drivers, builders, office workers, students, artists, even to officials and executives. Inter buyers and sellers often seen chatting casually in an atmosphere full of family.
Angkringan also famous as a place of egalitarian because of the variety of buyers who come without distinction of social class or rank. They enjoy the food while free talk until late at night though not know each other on a variety of things or sometimes discussing serious topics. The price is cheap and relaxing place that makes angkringan very popular in the middle of the city as a haven to repel hungry or simply unwind.
Familiar in angkringan made a name angkringan not only refer into place but to the atmosphere, some of the events menadopsi said angkringan to describe the intimate atmosphere of mutual sharing and bridging differences, such as Angkringan JTF held by R & D and also Angkringan Ramadan which is often held on college campuses ahead breaking the fast.Thank you for reading this blog we are waiting for you to come in Central Java Indonesia.welcome in Central Java


Selasa, 26 April 2016

Budaya jawa

Apdi dalem apa itu Apdi dalem . . . .,?
Sebelumnya saya ucapkan puji syukur terhadap tuhan kita(allah)
Yang masih memberi kesehatan,keselamatan sampai detik ini.
Langsung saya pada pokok pembahasan,ya apa itu Apdi dalem. . . . ?
Apdi dalem adalah seorang warga masyarakat yang diangkat oleh kerajaan,yang diberi tugas/perintah untuk menjalankan semua aktifitas yang berhubungan dengan kerajaan,dan yang terjadi dalam kerajaan . . .
Oke kurang lebih arti dari Apdi dalem seperti itu.disini saya akan lebih dalam membahas Apdi dalem sering kita melihat Apdi dalem dikota solo.
Dengan pakaian yang khas pakaian kerjaan mereka terlihat begitu bersahaja diatas derasnya modernisasi yang semakin mengikis kebudayaan jawa.
Bersahaja mereka begitu bersahaja dilihat dari cara mereka berpakaian masih mempertahankan budaya yang ditinggalkan oleh leluhur mereka.keramahan Apdi dalem begitu ramah kepada setiap orang yang mereka jumpai tidak melihat itu orang asli pribumi atau turis mancanegara.
Sopan santun Apdidalem selalu berkata sopan dan santun kepada setiap orang baik itu orang dewasa atau anak muda mereka selalu bisa memposisikan diri dengan siapa mereka(Apdi dalem) berbicara.
Tutur bahasa Apdi dalem selalu memakai bahasa jawa yang pas,pas dalam arti kapan harus memakai bahasa jawa halus,kasar(ngono).
Kerukunan apdi dalem selalu menjaga kerukunan antar semua anggota kerajaan. Atau masyarakat sekitarnya.toleransi antar meraka(Apdi dalem)sangatlah terjaga sekali.
Satu lagi ini yang paling saya sukai ya itu . .  ?Kesederhanaan Apdidalem begitu sederhana,sangat sederhana sekali mereka begitu menerima sekali dengan apa yang mereka dapatkan dari seorang Apdi dalem,
Kesederhanaan yang membuat mereka dapat menikmati dan memaknai apa arti sebuah kehidupan.

Terima kasih sudah meluangkan waktu membaca blog ini
Semoga bermanfaat,sebelumnya saya minta maaf kalau ada salah kata atau pun pengertian yang saya berikan,saya minta maaf yang sebesar besarnya.

Senin, 25 April 2016

budaya jawa

Rice kencur(beras kencur) a refreshing drink typical of Indonesia (Java)
 . The drink is also classified as an herb because it has properties increase appetite.
 Kencur rice (beras kencur)is very popular because it has a sweet taste and fresh.The main ingredient of rice kencur, of course, is rice (smoothed) and rhizomes kencur. The combination of rice and kencur many contain vitamin B which can stimulate gastric provide hunger besides herbal rice kencur if taken regularly every day can help thicken the wall of the stomach to heal the ulcer disease (for healing ulcers should not be mixed with ginger and to acid kawak may be just a little).

 Sweetness comes from brown sugar (palm sugar or palm sugar) added. Kencur contributed to a slightly spicy flavor that tasted if kencur rice drink, to taste spicy rice kencur herbs are usually added ginger to taste.ramuan kencur(beras kencur) herbs rice and consists of: The main ingredient rhizome kencur and rice flour, ginger, tamarind kawak, Kedaung seeds, salt and brown sugar or granulated sugar.Jamu kencur rice is traditionally sold fresh liquid form, either in the public markets or by herbalist circumference.

 Herbal medicine industry is now developing rice kencur packaged in the form of powder or concentrate (syrup) and also sold as a dry powder instant live brew with warm water or hot water, the process rhizome kencur along with other ingredients except the rice flour and sugar crushed or finely ground, with hot water is squeezed taken sari-sari after the rice flour and freshly squeezed juice kencur mixed with rice and sugar which is then processed by means of heated drying.(keep the spirit of preserving culture jawa)